4Culture Association launches a dance workshop coordinated by the artist Silke SILK Grabinger and her assistant G Dudas-Simo, within the cultural programme "Celebrating Trouble - ChoreoCon".
B-Girling meets contemporary performative technique! With her energetic, powerful style, Silke encourages the participants of all ages to explore their own movement vocabulary – individually and as a group. In her highly physical lesson, the focus lies on technique, expression and musicality. For the intermediate level, previous experience in HipHop, Breakdance and/or contemporary dance is an advantage, while beginners will be introduced to all these styles.
Program :
6 octomber: 20:30 – 22:00
7 octomber: 16:00 – 17:30
8 octomber: 12:00 – 13:30
Location:Casa Tineretului, str. Berbec, nr. 19
How to apply:FREE Participation based on registration. Those interested are asked to send an email with the subject "HIP - HOP dance Contemporary workshop '' to the email address: coordination@4culture.ro and tell us what makes you dance.
Deadline: 5 October, 2023
Deadline: : 5 Octomber 2023
About: Silke Grabinger/B-Girl Silk has a very energetic, powerful style that stems from both her experience as a contemporary choreographer and her time as a B-Girl. She teaches techniques in relation to expression and musicality. Silke also draws attention to individual movement patterns, which participants learn to transform in her classes. The workshop is about expanding the movement vocabulary as well as a focus on the individuality of the participants. Find out more info about the artist, click here: https://silk.at/silk/silke-grabinger/