Open Call. ”Lifeboat” art residency
The 4Culture Association is launching an open call for the artistic residency "Lifeboat", part of the Celebrating Trouble - Choreographic Convention. The project is organized by 4Culture Association and will take place in Timisoara, from 25 September (arrival) to 8 October (departure). The "Lifeboat" residency addresses artists who have suffered the consequences of major crises such as the repercussions of the invasion of Ukraine by Russia, and also artists from regions where communities are facing socio-political or natural catastrophes with similar tragic implications.
About the residency: The residency invites artists with a proactive vision to join for 2 weeks an artistic context that aims to address the situation of cultural infrastructure affected by political or natural disasters or other major crises they have faced in their regions. The residency path looks at ways in which art can have an impact in similar crises situations. At the end of the residency, artists will be able to present the results of their research and will be invited as speakers at the panel discussion "Art as a means of survival" on 7 October.
How to apply: Participation is free and will be based on registration. Those interested must send an email with the subject "Lifeboat'' to the email address:, in which to attach the CV or biography, in English or Romanian language.
Termen limită: 10 septembrie 2023
Locul de desfășurare: Centrul de Proiecte, Timișoara
Perioada de desfășurare: 25 septembrie – 8 octombrie 2023.
-Sprijin logistic și administrativ pe întreaga durată a rezidenței;
-Acces la un program de întâlniri cu artiștii și partenerii proiectului, la evenimentele interne și la cele deschise publicului larg ale conferinței Celebrating Trouble – Choreographic Convention;
-Posibilitatea de a participa în cadrul laboratorului de creație ”Working Method”, coordonat de Enkidu Khaled în aceeași perioadă.
Open Call. Workshops and performance with artist Myriam Van Imschoot
Are you a nature lover, a sound lover, or both? Do you find insects intriguing and do you wonder how we humans can learn from their communications? Come and join this project to perform in a sound performance with a group of artists. How to apply? We are happily receiving all candidatures and are open to many motivations.
What Brussels artist Myriam Van Imschoot is offering a series of free, intensive experimental sound workshops that culminate in the performance A SONG FOR EVERYONE.
Aceste ateliere fac parte din programul cultural „Celebrating Trouble – Choreographic Convention”. Evenimentul este organizat de Asociația 4Culture, în parteneriat cu danceWEB Viena și Rețeaua Europeană Life Long Burning, co-finanțat de Programul Europa Creativă, un program al Uniunii Europene, organizat cu sprijinul Centrului de Proiecte Timișoara, în cadrul Programului European Echoes.
Within this workshop, the participants will explore the relations between humans and the sounds of nature and the world around us. They will be guided by Myriam Van Imschoot and three collaborating artists Caroline Daish, Irena Radmanovic, Lendl Barcelos and Jean-Baptiste Veyret-Logerias. Mimicry is an important aspect of the work. How can we sound like grasshoppers and crickets, how can we as humans be inspired by collective behaviors and social organizations in the animal world, what is our relation to breath, wind and the sounding of matter?
Myriam Van Imschoot’s work is imaginative, inclusive and sometimes funny too. With every piece she proposes a subtle journey in a world of sound and shows how everything in our existence is full of vibrational frequencies with many opportunities for resonance.
Workshops will begin with physical exercises and listening games and then build up to learn new techniques inspired by insects, airplanes, horns or other more abstract elements. In discussion and feedback there is space for making links with the local context and customs.
Who We are looking for people of all ages in and around Timisoara who are free to follow all workshops and perform in the performances. Vocal skills are not required. Think: nature lovers, art lovers, people with curiosity who are open to process and discoveries.
Place Pavilionul ISHO, Bulevardul Take Ionescu 50-52, Timișoara.
Language The main language is English. We provide translation into Romanian when needed. Other languages that the artist can use for communication are French, Italian, Serbian, Dutch, gestures.
Schedule 6 Workshops sessions a 3 hours 28 September: 7 – 10 PM 29 September: 7 – 10 PM 30 september: 7 – 10 PM 3 October: 7 – 10 PM 4 October: 3 – 6 PM + dinner break + 7 – 10 PM
Rehearsal and 2 Performances Friday 6 October, Dress rehearsal: 6 PM – 9 PM Saturday 7 October, Performance: 6 PM – 9 PM, time of show 8 PM. Sunday 8 October, Performance: 3PM - 6PM, time of show 5 PM. Volunteer fee We provide a volunteer fee of 30€ per performance / 60€ in total. We promise a unique experience, full of subtle sounds! How to apply Send a few lines about yourself and why you’d like to join, to, with the email subject: “A song for everyone”, until 15 September 2023.
Open Call. Working method LAB coordinated by Enkidu Khaled
The 4Culture Association launches an interactive workshop within the cultural programme "Celebrating Trouble - Choreographic Convention". Open to individuals who are actively engaged in the field of performing arts with interdisciplinary interests, the artistic laboratory will be coordinated by Enkidu Khaled, a theatre director and performer originally from Iraq and based in Brussels. The artistic laboratory is scheduled to take place from September 26th to October 7th, 2023, as part of the Timișoara European Cultural Capital program. The event is jointly organised by the 4Culture Association in partnership with danceWEB Vienna and the Life Long Burning European Network, co-financed by the Creative Europe Program of the European Union, and organised with the support of the Timisoara Project Center within the European Echoes programme. The laboratory will culminate in a public presentation of a collective creation, the outcome of the research led by Enkidu Khaled. |How to apply | Participation is free and will be based on registration, limited to a maximum of 20 people. Those interested are asked to send an email with the subject "Creation laboratory - Enkidu Khaled'' to the email address:, in which to attach the CV or biography, in Romanian and/or English. Deadline: September 15th, 2023 Place: Centrul de Proiecte, Strada Vasile Alecsandri 1, Timișoara Period: September 26 – October 7, 2023 Language: English | Concept | The laboratory starts from a personal method developed by director Enkidu Khaled during his studies at the DasArts International Theater Institute in Amsterdam, with the objective of making accessible the complex process of using storytelling to talk about a personal experience through theatre. The “Working Method” aims to open a place of encounter with oneself and others. It delivers tools to bring us closer together in our differences and tackles the importance of reflection on social themes through the lens of cultural identity and background. Through this method, Enkidu Khaled questions the encounter between life and theatre.
Despre artist |
Enkidu Khaled este regizor și performer, născut la Bagdad și stabilit la Bruxelles.
A studiat teatrul până în 2006 la Institutul de Arte din Bagdad, unde a început să lucreze în cinema. În 2008, a părăsit Irakul din cauza războiului, stabilindu-se ulterior în Belgia. În timpul studiilor sale la Amsterdam (2014-2017), a dezvoltat „Working Method”, pe care o implementează în practica sa de educație artistică, adresându-se profesioniștilor și amatorilor. În 2016 „The Working Method” a câștigat premiul „Big in Belgium” și a fost prezentat la Festivalul de la Edinburgh. Pentru piesa sa de teatru documentar „Baghdad” a fost premiat cu cea mai bună interpretare actoricească la Festivalul Internațional de Teatru MESS de la Sarajevo în 2018. Spectacolul său de teatru„ Bar by bar, night by night, story by story, onward!” a adaptat pentru scenă romanul de debut al scriitorului irakian Hassan Blasim și a avut premiera în 2021 la KaaiTheater Brussel. În 2022 a adus pe scenă spectacolul colectiv „Tank Tink/One” în cadrul ECOPOLIS, festival dedicat celor implicați pentru cauza unul viitor sustenabil. În prezent, Enkidu Khaled lucrează ca artist asociat la Toneelacademie Maastricht.
În timpul războiului din Irak, când viețile cotidiene erau în pericol, Enkidu Khaled ca tânăr creator de teatru a pus adesea sub semnul întrebării rolul artei în viața lui de zi de zi. Devenind conștient de impactul artei pentru dezvoltarea societății și a individului, a ajuns să înțeleagă teatrul ca pe un instrument de supraviețuire și nu ca pe un privilegiu. Pe lângă proiectele sale artistice, s-a dedicat educației prin artă. Cercetările sale l-au determinat să imagineze un model de educație artistică bazat pe înțelegerea de sine, contextualitate și imaginație.